CRYSTAL KEY COUNSELING: Pathway of Hope & Healing

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NOUVEAU CONSULTING, INC. offers Crystal Key Counseling Services which is focused on providing high-quality psychotherapy and customer satisfaction. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations.
With a variety of offerings to choose from and we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us at (941) 957-8737.
Nouveau offers a comprehensive holistic approach to healing. We offer traditional person-centered talk therapy, the Vibrasound Music Experience, Guided Imagery, Music Therapy, Trauma Processing Emotional Release Therapy Work, and/or Hypnotherapy. By using any one modality, or by combining all of them in a session, many benefits can be realized.
Robin Richardson of Nouveau Consulting, Inc., is a Florida Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Family Trauma Professional, a Career Counselor, as well as a National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Her unique combination of techniques and talents can help you tap into your innermost pressing problems and help you solve core issues, freeing you to live a life free of depression, anxiety, phobias, and past trauma. Be it mental, emotional, or spiritual issues that need to be addressed, her multimodal approach will be sure to amaze you. Try a session and see how body, mind, and spirit can work together in unison to create a life in which you are satisfied.

Now you may ask yourself just what is the technology? Vibrasound technology is a novel experience that must be experienced in order to fully appreciate its benefits and value. There are only 2 such Vibrasound devices available in the entire state of FL. Nouveau Consulting, Inc. does have and is located in Sarasota, FL at 3601 Beneva Woods Blvd.
The Vibrasound device incorporates sound, music lights to create a Sensory Resonance of the senses which can have a profound effect on the individual for relaxation and brain
What is Sensory Resonance and how can it be used?
The application of Sensory Resonance created by the VibraSound System can be used in Psychotherapy, Trauma Release Work, Corporate Relaxation Programs, Hypnotherapy, Chiropractic, Hospice Work, Sports Psychology, Musical Studies, and Meditation Work.
InnerSense "TechKnowledgy" Refines Relaxation Therapy with a Total Sensory Stimulation Device, that uses advanced electronics and frequency transducers (generators) to create a harmonious and synchronized state of "Sensory Resonance", in which the senses work in harmony. Sensory Resonance created by the VibraSound may Mental Relaxation, Emotional Release, Muscular and Physical Relaxation, Increased & Focused Energy, Enhanced Creativity, and a Feeling of Well-Being.
The VibraSound Experience allows many to feel and see images with intense color, in a way never imagined...This enhanced awareness can then be used, if desired, by the individual for quick, and non-confrontational access to thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This gentle process can open paths to healing and understanding. It is a rest, relaxation and realization tool that complements the process of self-help.
Vibrasound technology can be used in many ways and in different settings among them:
- Psychotherapists-Quick and non-confrontational access to thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
- Hypnotherapy-Gently coaxes the mind into the subconscious realms.
- Medical Doctors-Fights disease by helping to reduce stress.
- Dentists-Lowers tension and fights fear of the unknown.
- Businesses- Improves employee attitude, health, productivity, and creativity.
- Meditators-Rapid access to the "Super-Conscious" levels of awareness.
- Rehabilitators-Provides a pleasurable, safe alternative to addictive behaviors.
- Musicians-The ultimate way to experience and evaluate music.
- Music Therapists-Allows the user to and "become" music.
- Students-Accelerates learning and increases memory retention.
- Artists and Scientists- Inspires creativity
- Fun-- Produces an extraordinary feeling of well-being, an unbelievable way to listen to music.
Electronics and frequency transducers transform music into a total sensory stimulating experience that we call Sensory Resonance. Sensory Resonance helps "turn off" the brain's analyzing component (RAS) and allows the user to experience consciousness rather conceptualizing it. Top quality sound reproduction equipment, photic stimulators, electro-physical transducers, and liquid crystal flotation platform are interfaced, allowing the user to SEE, HEAR, and FEEL the Music through low frequency vibration. Please visit Don Estes's (the founder of this amazing technology) website to learn more www.vibrasound.com and www.harmonicresolution.com

Sound Is Starting to Be Utilized for Healing Purposes
Sound Is Starting to Be Utilized for Healing Purposes
Medical devices are being developed today that heal with the power of sound. Once such device is the Lung Flute. It was invented by acoustics engineer Sandy Hawkins. It is a clear plastic flute that generates a hum of 16 hertz when blown into it. This healing frequency helps dislodge mucus in the chest of COPD suffers and patients with pneumonia. As stated in the December edition of Popular Science "[c]linical trials in the U.S. have shown that it is at least as effective as current COPD treatments...It could also provide home relief for patients with cystic fibrosis, influenza asthma." (Binns, 2009). If blowing through a simple flute can affect beneficial changes in the lungs, just imagine what beneficial sound frequencies coursing through the entire body could do. To see this flute in action please go to this link www.popsci.com/brown/2009/video/video-playing-lung-flute
Binns, C. (2009, December 1). The Pied Piper of Mucus: Sandy Hawkin's Simple Flute Cleans Sick Lungs. Popular Science [national ed], p.33-32-33.
How Can Sound Heal?
There are many experiments that have shown that sound and that sound frequencies change water and sand patterns. Think of the possibilities of using sound to heal your body, mind and spirit.
For more information see these links:
MEMORY IMPROVEMENT Through Music Therapy
Music Therapy has been proven to help memory problems associated with certain neurological conditions as well as helps increase relaxation. In an article entitled "Mending the Brain Through Music" authored by Bret Stetka, M.D. and Musicologist Concetta Tomaino, they explain the scientific aspects of how music therapy can help brain function improve. Their article was published in Medscape Neurology on Oct. 29, 2012. Please review the link for further information. http://www.medscape.com/view article/773401?src=mp
In addition to offering The Vibrasound Experience, Nouveau Consulting, Inc., with Crystal Key Counseling offers Guided Meditative Sessions utilizing Music, Guided Imagery and Hypnotherapy. A person's mind can be a formidable tool to utilize in the journey towards relaxation, opening blocked emotional pathways and helping increase Clarity, Mindfulness and Awareness.
Hypnosis had many benefits and can be utilized in numerous ways. Studies have been conducted that verify the efficacy and validity of using hypnosis. Most people know that it has been used by many individuals to help them relax, destress, to stop smoking and with weight-loss. It has also been proven to help eradicate addictive behaviors. Other uses for hypnosis include but not limited to: accessing memories, emotional processing of trauma memories, phobia removal, as well as reducing anxiety.
Hypnosis has many more uses you might think. To discover what Mayo Clinic has to say about this beneficial modality click on the link below:
Another interesting article about imaging studies that were conducted on the brain that support the effects of hypnosis can be found on the link below. The scientific data showed that hypnosis primes the brain for suggestions.
Mindfulness and Imagery Work
Meditation, Mindfulness Imagery which are closely related have been proven to help with pain relief as well as helping reduce PTSD symptoms. Please see these links for more information on this topic:
Does Relaxation Heal?
Relaxation is beneficial for the brain. Scientific research proves it. http://www.bmedreport.com/archives/22292
Having the mind mental imagery can even help relieve arthritis pain. For more information please go to this link: http://www.bmedreport.com/archives/26252
Dr. Hew Len author of Zero Limits explains that using your subconscious mind to free oneself of hurtful data can be done through forgiveness.
This technique can be utilized in psychotherapy sessions in addition to the use of forgiveness work to help free oneself of past traumas to receive great benefits.

Walking the Crystal Sands of Siesta Key Beach promotes relaxation.

Siesta Key's quartz crystal key sands have a reputation of promoting healing.